15 Questions

Currently enjoying some of the fascinating interviews at 15 Questions.

Here's one with drummer/percussionist Mark Sanders. I played with Mark once in one of those end-of-the-night-all-of-the-performers-playing-together kind of things that often occur at free improv shows after the main sets have finished. He was playing in the Roland Ramanan Quartet at that time (2003).

And here's one with another drummer/percussionist I've played with - Eddie Prevost (and, if you're interested, excerpts from my set with Prevost, Rod Campbell, and Ken Aldcroft are available on my Youtube channel).

I really like the approach they take at 15 Questions. As they explain, "We're not interested in the private lives of artists or their latest releases. Instead, we involve production experts, performers, journalists, scientists and composers to discuss what music means, how it's made, where its limits lie, and why it affects us all so differently and yet remains universal." I'll be spending a lot more time on their site!

- W.A.Davison


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