It's All Gone Weird


Hi there! I'm W.A.Davison, experimental musician and artist ( I have run numerous blogs in the past, my main one being The Organ Grinder's Gazette where I post about the activities of The Recordists (W.A.Davison and S.Higgins). Today, I decided to start a new blog, this one, mostly as a way to keep track of the music I'm interested in. I'm always exploring various sorts of "experimental music" - ambient, noise, sound collage, etc. - and I thought a blog would be a good way to document and list my favorites, new and old, with the added bonus that the list might be a way for other folks to discover some new and interesting sounds as well! I may or may not comment on my findings. Haven't decided on that yet. But it is not my intention to start a review blog. Maybe later I will decide to review what I find. For now, better to think of it like a list of suggestions - like the famous (infamous?) Nurse With Wound List. What's the Nurse With Wound List? Well, here's the Wikipedia article about it...

BTW, Mr. Stapleton (Nurse With Wound) is a friend of mine and you will notice in this blog occasional references to his work as well as related artists. The title of this blog, in fact, is a track by NWW (from the album "A Sucked Orange").

I should also say that I am quite likely to include albums here that I have contributed to or am responsible for. I am not above some good old-fashioned self-promotion! You can also expect to find the work of some of my friends here as well. But only if I think it's good (which is most of the time). Hmmm, now that I think of it, I guess this is a review blog. Even if I don't comment on it, if I'm mentioning it here at all it's because I think it warrants attention.

Anyway, welcome aboard! I hope you enjoy the ride!

- William A. Davison


  1. Hello,
    Its great to see You here with the new blog!!!
    How may I follow it to not loose any new writing?
    Also I think its a time for Six Heads bandcamp as I cant get any of releases...I already follow your other ones.
    bestness from north of Poland - Marek

    1. Thanks, Marek! I just added RSS subscription links + a "follow" button to the sidebar of the blog. You should be able to follow it now (and thanks for asking about that!).'re absolutely right...there should be a Six Heads Bandcamp! The first Six Heads album has been available as a download for quite a few years ( ), courtesy of the surrism-phonoethics label, but none of the other Six Heads albums are available online. I will start working on that! Thanks again! - William

    2. Thanks William!
      And hope You will also add (or maybe Matt on his bandcamp) :
      Sirr(xt.) Heapp.ds – "[??]" tape. Think that edition of 51 was just ridiculous low and should more wider available as other Readymades Tapes titles and (sadly missed) Nine Day Antler Society...

    3. Oh yes, that one is special! Not sure when/how/if it will ever be reissued. I will mention it to Matt next time I speak with him. It would be good if more people could hear it! Cheers!
      - William


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