Dan Burke's Illusion Of Safety project is celebrating 40 years of sonic exploration this year. I suppose I should have announced this earlier in 2023 but...well, I didn't know it was their 40th anniversary...I can't know everything, dammit, give me a break! Anyway, IOS is not a band I've spent a lot of time with but I have heard plenty of tracks and albums over the years, saw them play live a couple of times, and always appreciated Burke's commitment to sound experimentation and his diversity of approaches. If you haven't heard much, or any, Illusion Of Safety before, now is a great time to do it, particularly since almost their entire back catalogue is available on Bandcamp! Here are some links: https://illusionofsafety.net/ https://illusionofsafety.bandcamp.com/ https://www.youtube.com/@illusionofsafety - W.A.Davison